What the heck is this?
Stacking the Inbox is a Tennessee Titans newsletter, that has been a goal of mine for quite sometime.
For those that don’t know, my name is Zach Lyons, and I have been covering the team for over 5 years. What started out as a show for our fantasy football league, turned into the preeminent Titans podcast, Football & Other F Words. I’m also dishing out more analysis as a co-host of A Football Show.
I’ve had the privilege of over the last few seasons to write for Broadway Sports Media. I also was a founding father of Broadway Sports with the mission in mind to provide fans the most thoughtful analysis of what’s happening on the field, and off the field. We wanted to educate and entertain.
I am going to provide more in-depth analysis on a frequent basis. No editors, no deadlines, no fluff pieces. Actual information on everything Titans. You are going to learn a lot and have fun doing it.
That’s always been my goal, and for the last year I’ve wanted to find a way to provide a more direct line of communication between me and the Titans fan base. You, me talking football. That’s what this will be.
What do I get if I subscribe?
What you’re gonna get is 3-4 newsletters in your inbox per week strictly about the Tennessee Titans, and one additional newsletter I’ve titled Anything But.
For example, instead of an article about a GM Candidate or OC Candidate that is just a copy and paste from their Wikipedia page, you’re going to get deep dives on a lot of information I research on my own.
We are talking anywhere from 1,300 - 3,000 words, people.
Anything But is where I am going to talk about one thing not Titans related. More than likely this will be a recipe I use (Gyros, Mexican Street Corn, etc), a film review, or even other sports thoughts.
On top of that you’ll get a preview every Sunday of what to look forward to, and a recap of what happened in the Titans world on Saturdays with links to other videos or articles I found interesting.
So pretty much something every day, except maybe one. Quality over quantity.
TL;DR: What you get by subscribing is access to anything and everything I write here, and future ideas for content such as live video recaps, and access to me.
Alright, Alright…How Much is it?
Substack forces me to only offer as low as $5/month, and they also force me to offer a yearly model. However, in an effort to make it affordable for everyone, I am offering a forever discount of 20% off.
That’s roughly $0.14 per newsletter sent to your inbox, or roughly $0.25 per newsletter if you only count the Titans content.
How do I subscribe?
Press the button! That’s super easy! Everyone loves pressing buttons. Also look at the deal above!
You may notice that there’s an additional option labeled “Stacking the Inbox Club”. This doesn’t provide any other additional benefits other than you’re going to earn some extra Karma.
The Minimum Substack allows is $60, so for any amount you choose to donate over that, I will take that money and donate it to Alzheimer’s Research. Even if it’s $61, I will take that $1 put it in a savings account, and at the end of the year donate it to Alzheimer’s Research.
It will be a different charity every year, with causes close to my heart. Alzheimer’s Research is close to me, because my grandfather died from it, so I want to help. So if you want to help, feel free!
How else can I help?
Love that go-getter mentality! By telling everyone you know about this newsletter. Friends, families, enemies, and fellow Titans fans. Anyone and everyone is welcome. Just tell at least five people, and we can grow an amazing community!
You can also brighten up someone’s life with the amazing gift of myself and this newsletter! If you know someone who you think would enjoy this newsletter, click the button below and give them a subscription.
Think about it…how many gifts can you give that will last for a full year?